Ken Aptekar's "Charlotte's Charlotte" will be a permanent exhibit within the contemporary galleries of the Mint Museum Uptown.
The Mint Museum and the Digital Filmmaking and Video Production program at The Art Institute of Charlotte partnered to create a promotional video that is part of the permanent exhibit. The video was Produced by Charles Easley, Directed and Edited by Rusty Sheridan and Visual Effects by Lea Anderson.
This was a package developed under the creative direction of Associate Professor Lea Anderson. I am featured as talent. Lea Anderson designed and created the visual effects that make this such a thrilling promo.
This was done as a tribute and part of the Black History program created by The Xchange. Great work guys!
This video highlights the Digital Filmmaking and Video Production program. The video was produced in partnership with DFVP faculty and students. Special shout out to Mr. Rusty Sheridan and Ms. Lea Anderson for visual effects.
This is my version of a project I first introduced while teaching in the Mass Media Arts department at Clark-Atlanta University. Each student was responsible for creating their own story and video but were restricted to images and characters from the film The Color Purple. I must say I have seen this film edited to everything from Gospel, Jazz and even hard care
My video is an exploration of female characters from The Color Purple to the haunting song and lyrics of "I Am Ready for Love" by India Arie.
Every year the community of Charlotte, in conjunction with The Art Insitute of Charlotte, Carolinas Health Care System, Wachovia, a WellsFargo company,Charlotte Center City Partners and a host of many other companies who come together to build a playground for a local school.
This video showcases the students, faculty, staff and numerous volunteers who came together for the Bruns Elementary School playground build.
The Art Institute of Charlotte has been part of this initiative for several years first through the Web Design and Interactive media program and now with the Digital Filmmaking and Video Production department. Charles Easley supervised the first production team for the first playground build at Ai and now shares that responsibility with DFVP faculty and studetns.
The Art Institute of Charlotte faculty, staff and students have been responsible for the production initiative of this project.
The Art Institute of Charlotte has an annual Film Festival called Manifesto which evolved from the first film festival I introduced Perpetual Vision. This video is from Mr. Rusty Sheridan's Project Management class.
Project Managers included Develon Douglas, Jamie Dawson and Rishaun Joyce. The managers and students in the class were tasked with creating the film festival, Limitless Exposure.
This is a promo for the Culinary Department at The Art Institute of Charlotte. The promo was created in my Electronic Field Production class. Each group of students was assigned a department to interview, film and ultimately edit a promo that would showcase the programs' vision. This promo was expertly filmed and produced my Christina Brown and Cory McKennan. Great work guys!