BET recently presented this years Black Girls Rock show co-hosted by Regina King and Tracee Ellis Ross. The show had a star packed cast of Black women who rock and even honored one of my favorite Divas Ms. Patti LaBelle!
So what seemed like a show celebrating women of color turned into a gripe fest for some on Twitter which spurred the #WhiteGirlsRock trend and comments:
It's funny that if this hashtag was #WhiteGirlsRock instead of #BlackGirlsRock it would be considered RACIST.
Stoned Stiletto @DenimAndChard
Exactly. RT @myrandafay: That #blackgirlsrock show is so racist. Where is the #whitegirlsrock show? Oh right, NAACP would be all over that.
If they had an awards show that said #WhiteGirlsRock black ppl would call it racist.
Now what is even more surprising is that some of the comments came from black folks, WTH?
First of all I am just glad BET actually has some engaging original programming that is not ratchet!
Second there is a White Girls Rock it's called the Grammy's and CMA's LOL
The only reason you have a show like Black Girls Rock is that historically these women are invisible or poorly represented in mainstream environments.
I am always amused when folks can cry racist when marginalized communities just want to be affirmed. Affirming does not mean seperate. If these communities were appropriately recognized and honored in mainstream environments then no there would be no need for such shows like Black Girls Rock but we are clearly not there yet.
So until then rock it out Black!
I completely agree with your conclusion. I have often had the discussion with people over BET, and why is it needed. I explain that it was created during a time when then larger networks would not play content from black performers. Now that it is a juggernaut of revenue generation, it's not going anywhere (Bob Johnson does not even own it anymore). Understanding of the history of these events would definitely help to encourage empathy...but one has to be willing to look up the history on their own or be open to the discussion.
Posted by: Jay Johnson | 11/08/2013 at 09:33 AM
well said
Posted by: iama{GAY}tekeeper | 11/08/2013 at 02:00 PM