So I saw this video a few days ago and wanted to say something about the incident but I had to marinate on this topic for a bit. The video entitled “Man smacks the soul out of girl on the NY Subway,” has gone viral on You Tube.
Apparently the video shows and I use the term loosely, "a young lady" verbally abusing a male passenger and basically being a hot, ratchett mess.
The male passenger at some point has had enough and says something back to the girl who then in turn hits the man with her purse and that is when all hell breaks loose and the guy hauls off and when I say slaps the black off this girl.
Well it is on and popping as a brawl breaks out between the dude and her posse. They swarm on this dude like a pack of urban banshees.
Now I am southern and old school and have been brought up that men should never put their hands on a woman but these rules seem to very archaic when juxtaposed to women who are not exhibiting very lady like behavior. This chick was no shrinking violet.
Miss thing was a loud, mass transportation riding she beast and a public menace. She was being rude, obnoxious and confrontational. Are men suppose to play by the same historical rules when the players have clearly changed in the game?
I mean if you are going to act like a dude should you not get checked like one?
My belief is that bear spray is non-gender....LOL Your thoughts?
We have a new victim of the “pray the gay away” propaganda machine. Some poor fool’s video has gone viral after declaring he has been cured in a come to Jesus, summer revival, Pentecostal display of and I use the term lightly “rediscovered heterosexuality” (Insert side eye).
Old boy is heard yelling, ““I’m not gay anymore. I’m delivered,” he said. “I don’t like mens anymore. I said I like women. Women, women, women….”
Boy please! Maybe if you keep chanting that you might still believe it but I am not convinced. Maybe it is the over the top antics…maybe it’s the fact that you found a paisley Liberace jacket in 2014 or maybe it was your next statement:
“I would not date a man,” the man continues. “I would not carry a purse. I would not put on makeup. I will love a woman.”
And if you were doing all that you were not just gay you were a drag queen.
I am so over folks thinking you should pray the gay away. You are gay you do not have cancer get over it and embrace who you are and walk in your own truth.
The Avengers Age of Ulton Trailer has been released and I keep watching it over and over again. I have not been this excited about a film since the first Xmen movie was slated to be released years ago.
I just want any world order event like an Eboli outbreak to be post poned long enough for this film to be released. Yes I am comic fanatic!
The Avengers Age of Ulton Trailer movie trailer boast a roller coster ride of action and thrills but the real reason I am so psyched about this film is they are finally bringing forth one of my favorite characters the sexy, red haired, vixen of spells and probability, The Scarlet Witch!
You guys know I love me some Divas so I am so glad we get to finally see the Scarlet Witch! She will be joined by her white haired speed demon brother, Quicksilver.
They have been prepping us for Scarlet Witch in both Xmen Last Days and the last Captain America film.
Aretha Franklin the "Queen of Soul" is proving that you are never too old to stay relevant as an artist. Aretha's new album "Aretha Franklin Sings the Great Diva Classics" pretty much says it all.
You guys know I love me some divas and I am talking about real old school divas not these auto tune, art directed, pre-constructed, rehab every other month wannabe neophyte divas.
I heard Aretha Franklin's cover of Adele's "Rolling In the Deep" and instantly fell in love with the Queen of Soul all over again.
It is kind of fitting and full circle that Aretha would cover Adele since she like so many other young female singers from across the pond have obviously been influenced by seasoned divas like Aretha Franklin.
Aretha Franklin covers a range of divas on her new album including covers of "I Will Survive", "At Last" and "Nothing Compares 2 U."
If you have been living under a popular culture rock and or either tone death to the influence on popular music that Aretha has had, then you will be an instant fan once you hear Arehta cover some classic diva anthems.
You can check out Aretha's performance on David Letterman below!
How can a man just jump the fence at the White House run across the lawn and walk in the front door?
Well that is exactly what happened when Iraq war verteran, Omar Gonzalez jumped the fence, sprinted across the lawn and entered the North Portico entrance. He was arrested and they found a four inch knife on Gonzalez.
I get followed at Target and in most retail stores all the time so how does one jump the fence at the White House, run across the lawn and up to the front door? This is not a drive by saint, this dude is breaking into the White House!
I live in the hood and thanks to my elderly neighbors I affectionately refer to as "The Women of Brewster Place" no one comes to my front door that the Brewster Women do not check out.
So if I get that kind of neighborly scrutiny then how does a man scale the fence and bumb rush the White House like a rogue Jehovah Witness?
This looks suspect to me. Are they trying to do a practice run to take out the President? And do not get it twisted, forget about Secret Service, Michelle Obama grew up on the South side of Chicago and you not just going to roll up in her house with her kids you might get a cap in yo butt!
Some folks are saying that maybe security would have been more responsive if the First Family was actually there but luckily they had left earlier that day.
So that's like my watch dog only really being on the grind while I am home but if I leave he just watches the burglar take my stuff. Really?
Hey guys I usually do not get into Disney films at least not since I was a kid and started with Fantasia but something about the Maleficienttrailer intrigued me.
So I went to see Maleficient today starring her royal fierceness Angelina Jolie.
Before I get started you know I always have to share my movie pet peeves. Folks who get to the film late and instead of finding a discreet seat on the side want to march and crawl over you to get to prime seats in the middle.
Also what is up with ushers who want to start cleaning while you are still watching the credits? Hey man I paid for this film so enough with the broom!
Rant over back to review.
Maleficient is a cinematic buffet of visual consumption that lay folks and film people will delight in seeing.
I am a fan of Angelina Jolie and unlike other folks I do not demonize her as a man stealing vixen cause really you can't steal a man who does not want to be taken.
Anyway Angelina Jolie gives such depth to the charachter Maleficient who has historically gotten a bad rap as the Mistress of Evil who curses the King's daughter in Sleeping Beauty.
Well the film Maleficient sets the record straight.
Maleficient is really an innocent fairy, one of the strongest of her kind and lives in a very cool fairyland but one day befriends this young boy who grows up to be a very trifling, backstabbling, no account man.
There are two rival kingdoms and the King wants all the resources of the fairyland. Typical greedy monarchies wanting to pillage other lands for their own greed.
Anyway the King attacks and gets a big old can of fairy whoop asshanded to him by Maleficient and some of her woodland posse.
The King wants to be avenged and who steps up but Maleficient's old boo.
This is where we see how old girl got her reputation but they left out the truth.
The trifling ex-boo basically roofies Maleficent and when she wakes up the next day instead of having her virtue compromised her wings have been severed and taken.
This ultimate betrayal justifiably turns Maleficent into a class "A", pissed off, Diva!
From this point on the story aligns itself with the more familiar tale of Sleeping Beauty but we do get to see that Maleficient begins to watch and nurture the growing child and takes on a motherly role in her life.
Who knew Disney could be so dark and edgy but I like this new look.
Maleficient is a very strong female role in that she vascillates between victim, villian and hero.
It is pretty cool to see a film where women do not need a man to save the day. This is all out girl power!
Disney has definitely flipped the script on their own historical formula. This is a great summer film!
I just saw X-men Days of Future Pastand I am still raw with sensory overload. You guys know how long I have been eagerly awaiting this film!
In X-men Days of Future Past we see "old school meets new school" as X-men teams from past and future work to prevent a war between humans and mutants. What is making this war all the more bleak is the presence of a robotic army of Sentinels. Sentinels were originally created to hunt down mutants but with all creations of mass distruction that is not enough, so humans are also eventually targeted.
I went to the first showing of X-men and let's just say I have been pretty spoiled seeing movies during the day. Who knew a first showing would be so crowded! I do not like people I don't know sitting right next to me; folks talking behind me; people who do not eat anything during the film are suspect and who gets up during the film and never returns except for a domestic terrorist, rant over!
Other folks will talk about the storyline and stuff but you guys know how I rate all of the X-men films and that is by how much screen time my favorite weather diva Storm gets in the film! Again not enough screen time but when she is on, she is fierce! Hall Berry returns (with a new wig) to what is becoming an iconic comic book role as the weather goddess Storm!
I am still waiting on when they will really let Storm kick some elemental special effects butt in one of these films. I saw more elemental havoc in the Into the Stormmovie trailer!
I have read the comic book series of X-men Days of Future Past and was aware of the theory of multiple timelines for the future. But being a staunch and loyal Storm fan I was not prepared for seeing her get taken out on the big screen. I doubled over in my seat! I think the guy sitting next to me thought I was having a
If I have to give some props to a few new comers in the series then standout action scenes will go to the fight scene in the past as Quicksilver saves the day in an incrediblly, slow motioned, ballet inspired, comedic rescue. Who else added some incredible visual, special effects, flavor to the fight scenes in the future was the temporal displacing vixen, Blink!
Again other folks will cover different aspects of the film but let me just say this film gives you the most superhero eyecandy of any other series.
Yes it's time for an X-Men hunk role call!
First of all we get to see Hugh Jackman reprise his roll as the beefy and surly Wolverine.
I think somebody is on the
There is a shot of Wolverine in all his naked buffness that is worth the ticket price at the beginning. We have Colossus returning along with Iceman but we have a few more new hunks to add to the X-men Hunk calendar. Enter Warpath, Sunspot and Bishop which gives you a We Are the World of diersity version of New Mutant sexiness!
X-Ment Days of Future Pastconinues to explore the historical and complicated relationship of Professor X and Magneto. Just kiss each other and get on with it already guys!
The film also gives much more screen time to the character of Mysique played by Jennifer Lawrence. I understand that they love her character so much that rumor has it she might be getting her own film!
Mystique is not even an X-man!
If one more person gets a film before Storm I am going to cut someday deep with a rusty
You do get to enjoy a kind of class reunion at the end of X-men Days of Future Past, where many of the old gang show up again including Cyclops, Rogue and even Jean Grey! God help us if I have to suffer through her chacter again. One of the only redeeming factors of X-Men Last Standwas that Jean Grey bites it at the
Do not get me wrong I love Phoenix but Jean Grey gets on my nerves!
You can always tell the comic book film amateaurs who leave before the credits roll which always reveal some new film sneak peaks! Okay we have two references to Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch, both in X-men and the last Captain America film. I think something very cool is brewing!
Make sure you stay for the credits of X-men Days of Future Pastbecause there is a pretty cool reveal!
This was a great way to start a summer blockbuster movie experience!
Now who is down for starting a petition for a Storm origin film?
Captain America was not one of my favorite comic book heroes and really the only reason I got into him at all was when he was with the Avengers.
I was not aware of the origin of this movie from what comic book but it was still some good storytelling. I did not feel like I needed a lot of backstory to follow the plot.
First of all Captain America is mad buff in this film! Black Widow kicks some major butt in this flick.
But what I was really excited about is that we have two Black heroes in a big summer blockbuster in Nicky Fury and Faclon played by the equally handsome and hunky Anthony Mackie! Dude is really turning into a new Hollywood powerhouse.
This film starts off with action and pretty much keeps a steady pace throughout the film!
Sidenote you know you are a true comic book film fanatic when you realize you are the only one left after all the credits have rolled to reveal what is basically part of the comic book film formula, the final scene.
I could not suppress a comic book squeal when it was revealed that finally one of my favorite Avenger's, the Scarlett Witch was finally introduced along with her fleet footed brother, Quicksilver!
I am so giving a very loud comic book geek squeal. I know I prayed to live long enough to see the first Xmen trilogy but now I am amending that to include the new film in the Xmen saga, "Xmen Days of Future Past."
This film will allow us to see a young and future Professor X and Magneto. This looks like it is going to be an absolutely action packed thrill ride as the mutants battle Sentinels. We also get to see some new mutants added to the mix including Sunspot, Blink, Cable, Warpath and Quicksilver.
But enough about all of that the real reason I am stoked about this film is that we have a return of the Weather Diva herself, Storm!
After being very disappointed in how little they let Storm use her full power in the Xmen trilogy it looks like Storm is finally going to get to kick some elemental ass in this film!